Welcome to the future of weddings!

Signup as a new boss wedding vendor here!
Click Here To Sign Up!

If you spend a ridiculous amount of money in marketing, you may reach a newly engaged couple or two while they’re searching for wedding vendors. But even when you do spend a lot of money, you rarely receive a return on your investment that you’re happy with. Most advertising companies tell you that you must give their platform six months to see results, it’s not instant. Most advertising companies also make you sign a contract, so you can’t back out! Great for their investors, bad for you! Wedding magazines are placed in grocery stores and ad space is so expensive! Online sources are even more expensive! How much do you need to charge just to make all of these sources of advertising work?
Then, can you stay competitive with your pricing, knowing others are charging much less? At what point do you get a break?
Imagine if you could be referred from the front line? Imagine if the venues the couples chose, were referring you?
Closing ratios on a referral is so much higher than a non-referred client, 66% on average to be exact. B.O.S.S. is a game changer….
All of our B.O.S.S. venues, refer all of our B.O.S.S. vendors!
There are currently 402 B.O.S.S. vendors associated with the program, and we’re growing fast!

As a B.O.S.S. vendor, you have two options:
You can be an internal vendor that we constantly refer, as you would be part of our packages or an external vendor that the customers can find if they are unhappy with the internal vendors referred to them.
It’s as simple as that!
All vendors can sign up to be a B.O.S.S. vendor either way.
Once approved, you will receive your credentials.
(Approvals usually take 48 to 72 hours, as it takes time to verify that your company is legitimate)
If you’re a Photographer, DJ, Caterer, Florist or Videographer you can be included in our packages!
This means big money for you!

Average DJ in the program makes $95,000.00 a year!
Average Florist in the program makes $150,000.00 a year!
Average Caterer in the program makes $275,000.00 a year!
Average Photographer in the program makes $35,000.00 a year!
Average Videographer in the program makes $35,000.00 a year!

Why wait, sign up right now by clicking the link above.
Costs you nothing! Gains you everything!